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Flugo, Giraldo de

?, ca 1512 - Cuenca, 1591


According to his testimony in 1557, he is a sculptor and native of "Alemaña la Baxa"; he established in Cuenca in 1539 "when the Empress Our Lady died" [Isabel of Portugal (Lisbon, 1503-Toledo, 1539)].

Initially he worked as an apprentice to Diego de Tiedra, from whom he became independent, something that, according to his declarations, caused him difficulties as the latter sought to monopolise artistic activity.

He had Juan de Gabiola as an apprentice, possibly a relative of his wife Ana de Gabiola.

He testified as a witness in the inquisitorial process against the sculptor Esteban Jamete. These statements provide information on his biography and that of other artists working in Cuenca during these years.  

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