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Museo Diocesano

Museo Diocesano

Tarragona (Spain)


The Diocesan Museum of Tarragona is located in the cathedral complex. It was founded by Archbishop Antolín López Peláez in 1914. The foundation was seconded by the Metropolitan Chapter, contributing pieces of their property and a series of objects from the Cathedral, which were kept in the chapel of Santa Tecla la Vella. To this were added many donations from parishes of the diocese, and from individuals. Initially installed in an outbuilding of the cloister, in 1932 it was enlarged with the incorporation of the Corpus Christi chapel. In 1992 the permanent exhibition rooms were renovated and refurbished. In 2014, a process of renovation of the rooms began, recovering the Corpus Christi chapel as the headquarters of the Gothic Picture Gallery.

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Museo Diocesano

Tarragona (Spain)

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